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14 January 2013

SkeptiCamp Winnipeg 2012: A Sampling Sampler

On Saturday, 29 September 2012, the Winnipeg Skeptics held their third annual SkeptiCamp event. SkeptiCamp Winnipeg is a conference for the sharing of ideas. It is free and open to the public: anyone can attend and participate! Presentations and discussions focus on science and free inquiry, and the audience is encouraged to challenge presenters to defend their ideas.

Dr. Laura Targownik is a professional gastroenterologist and health services researcher (and yes, she was already heard your colonoscopy joke). She is most interested in discussing how to improve the public's understanding of medical issues, better living through statistics, and in improving resources for skeptical families.

SkeptiCamp is an open conference celebrating science and critical thinking. For more information please visit

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