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28 October 2012

SkeptiCamp Winnipeg 2012 Feedback

Cross-posted from the Winnipeg Skeptics blog.

We solicited feedback from participants at SkeptiCamp, and here's what they had to say!

The feedback cards asked participants to rank various aspects of SkeptiCamp Winnipeg 2012 from 1–5. Of the roughly forty-five participants, we received nine completed cards. I've summarised the results below, including numeric mean and median scores and a verbal interpretation of the median (my preferred form of average, due to its resistance to outliers).

Please bear in mind that our sample is self-selected.

How was the conference as a whole? Mean Median Verbal
Did you enjoy yourself? 5 5 Yes
Did you learn anything useful? 4.67 5 Yes
Were the breaks adequate? 5 5 Yes
Was the conference too long? 1.22 1 No
Were you able to participate? 4.56 5 Yes
Would you attend in the future? 5 5 Yes
Would you recommend SkeptiCamp? 4.89 5 Yes

How was the venue? Mean Median Verbal
Was it clean and comfortable? 4.67 5 Yes
Was it sufficiently large? 4.78 5 Yes

How were the presentations? Mean Median Verbal
Were the talks interesting? 4.75 5 Yes
Did they encourage discussion? 4.88 5 Yes
Were the topics diverse? 4.89 5 Yes
Were the talks easy to understand? 4.67 5 Yes
Was the atmosphere friendly? 4.89 5 Yes
Would you consider presenting in the future? 4.67 5 Yes

What was your favourite topic?
Robots and Emotions: Science Fiction Hype or Real Science?
A Sampling Sampler: Statistics for the Non-Statistician
How to Run 100 Miles: Challenging Self-Limiting Beliefs
Next Generation DNA Sequencing: Small Technology, Big Changes
The Good Ship Self-Esteem
Measures to Avoid Adverse Consequences of Irresponsible Extraction of Fossil Fuels

What topic do you wish had been covered?
The Role of Skepticism in Society
Something by Anlina

(Anlina Sheng was originally scheduled to speak at SkeptiCamp this year, but was unable to present due to a sudden family emergency. We encourage everyone to check out Anlina's popular talks from last year's SkeptiCamp.)

Do you have any complaints, suggestions, or other feedback?
"Load presentations onto one laptop ahead of time."
"It was fun!"
"Keep doing a good job."
"Some quiet fans would be nice to cool the room. Perhaps when question period becomes a discussion, more control could be used to allow more response & questions."

We plan to release videos of all of the presentations in the coming months. Stay tuned!

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