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08 April 2012

LUEE Episode 19: The "Obesity Epidemic"

Episode 19: The "Obesity Epidemic"

In this episode of Life, the Universe & Everything Else, Laura Targownik, Richelle McCullough, Laura Creek Newman, and Donna Harris discuss the rise in obesity rates and the links between weight and health.

Life, the Universe & Everything Else is a program promoting secular humanism and scientific skepticism presented by the Winnipeg Skeptics and the Humanists, Atheists & Agnostics of Manitoba.

Links: Are Your Kids' Snacks Full of Fruit or Sugar? | Vaccine to Prevent Heart Attacks (Vancouver Sun, European Society of Cardiology) | Obesity in Canada: Snapshot | Making the Case for Primary Prevention: An Economic Analysis of Risk Factors in Manitoba | Bariatric Surgery versus Intensive Medical Therapy in Obese Patients with Diabetes (NEJM) | Bariatric Surgery versus Conventional Medical Therapy for Type 2 Diabetes (NEJM) | Etiology and Natural History of Obesity* | Overview of Therapy for Obesity in Adults* | Definition, Epidemiology, and Etiology of Obesity in Children and Adolescents*

* Requires a subscription to for full access.

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1 comment:

  1. I guess one solid contributor to the causes is modern convenience. We have fastfoods and gadgets that encourage eating unhealthily and discourage outdoor activities.
